Face & Neck Lift
Face and neck lift is an operation aimed to restore the youthful appearance of the mid and lower face and neck. With age the skin and underlying ‘soft skeleton’ of the face starts to fall, causing the jowls to form and loss of definition of the jawline. Deep creases such as the nasolabial fold (running from the nose to corner of the mouth) become accentuated as well as the formation of new deep creases such as marionette lines (running from the corner of the mouth to the chin). Natural fullness over the upper cheeks is lost. The neck skin can become baggy with development of platysmal bands (lines running vertically in the neck) Most patients seeking the operation are self-conscious of the appearance. It may affect their confidence and self-esteem in relationships, work or activities. They may get comments that they look tired or older than they really are.
Face and neck lift can be done a number of ways. I have extensive experience of all the latest techniques and will be able to advise which technique is best for you, depending on the amount of skin laxity and where this is, as well as what bothers you most. Many surgeons are only familiar with one technique, so its important to know, whoever you see, that they are suggesting the operation that is best for you rather than just the operation they are able to do. For more details of the procedure, see and download my ‘facelift information leaflet’. I will also advise you whether non-surgical treatments, such as botox or fillers may be better for you or whether the procedure is best combined with any other such as blepharoplasty.
My patients are highly satisfied with their surgery. This includes hospital and nursing staff who have asked me to perform the operation after seeing my outcomes, and by personal recommendation of friends and relatives who like my friendly yet professional approach, and know they are in safe hands. My patients are more comfortable with their appearance after surgery, their confidence and self-esteem is better. They feel younger and ‘fresher’, are less tired looking and can enjoy activities they couldn’t do beforehand. Personal and sexual relationships can improve.
All prices are all-inclusive i.e including surgical fee, hospital fees, anaesthetic fees, post-operative appointments, any required dressings or prescriptions and costs of corrective surgery within a year of the procedure.